sirrin gyaran azzakari

**Privacy Policy for Sirrin Gyaran Azzakari**

*Last updated: [ 3 November 2023 ]*

This Privacy Policy is for the "Sirrin Gyaran Azzakari" app and is provided by [Your Company Name]. We value your privacy and want to be transparent about our data practices.

**1. No Data Collection**

We do not collect, store, or process any personal information or user data from the "Sirrin Gyaran Azzakari" app.

**2. Offline Usage**

Our app works entirely offline, and it does not require an internet connection for its primary functionality.

**3. Permissions**

The app may request certain device permissions, such as access to storage, camera, or microphone, to provide specific features within the app. These permissions are solely for app functionality and are not used to collect or transmit any user data.

**4. Third-party Services**

We do not integrate any third-party services or advertising networks that collect user data in the "Sirrin Gyaran Azzakari" app.

**5. Security**

We take reasonable measures to protect your data within the app, but since we do not collect user data, there is no data to protect.

**6. Children's Privacy**

Our app is not directed at children under the age of 13, and we do not knowingly collect any information from users in this age group.

**7. Changes to Privacy Policy**

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time, and any changes will be reflected in the app. Your continued use of the app after any changes signifies your acceptance of the updated policy.

**8. Advertisements**

Our app displays advertisements from AdMob. Please be aware that clicking on ads may take you to external websites or services, and you should review their terms and policies.


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